Well I have little idea enough of what I am doing that I should be dangerous before I've finished this escapade. I've certainly read enough of other blogs to know that quality is all over the place. What I am hoping for is moderate discussion of news and current event topics. I am particularly interested in book publishing. Although any topic allowing for more than one point of view works for me. So, I'll be all over the map before finishing.
I do enjoy reading and discussing novels aligned in the counter terrorism genre. There are at least a half dozen authors who've provided me with countless hours of reading pleasure. People, before they post, would do well to remember that novels are fiction and come with a broad spectrum of literary license, at least in America. History can be and often is altered to suit the author's purposes. I wonder as I read other blogs if an interest in reasoned give and take is really possible.
If you've followed the adventures(used advisedly) of Sherry Jones and her Author Author Blog you'll know what of I speak. Thoughtful, rational discourse seems to be relegated to the past. In fact the very topic of her novel, The Jewel of Medina, might have seemed like an interesting debate if there had been more to evaluate than a brief prologue. That, however didn't stop the howling masses from salivating for her scalp. As she pointed out herself; "So much discussion over a book no one has read."
The fact that so many people joined the snarling pack snapping at Ms. Jones makes you wonder what they do or don't do. People seem to have limitless amounts of time dedicated to being drawn into a lynch mob mentality. What happened to individualized, rational thought?
Just to up the ante we shouldn't overlook Denise Spellberg, the self-acclaimed expert, censor, and guardian for all things sacred to Muslims. If you want a look at a self-aggrandizing, narcissist at work read her letter to the Wall Street Journal, Saturday, August 9, 2008.
After her attack on Ms. Jones you have to wonder if she's sharpening her verbal scimitar to take on producer and screenwriter, Kamran Pasha whose novel Mother of the Believers(similar subject matter to Ms. Jones novel), is due out next April. My guess is not. Time well tell.
Well puppets that's all for today. I am sure I've written enough for anyone who might want to read this. And what you have to love is I've been all over the map as promised. Kind of fun. Now the dogs want to go the park so I will be engaging in something of value and quality.
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